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Hi my name is

Andrew Irorere

Full-stack Developer

I'm a Full-stack developer but a Front-end specialist

I am passionate about writing codes and developing web applications to solve real-life challenges.

with a new found passion for crossed platform mobile development and an Interest in Cybersecurity
Contact me!

Who am I?

Andrew Irorere profile picture

I'm a full-stack developer, but I specialise in front-end development. I am passionate about writing code and developing web applications to solve real-life challenges. I have recently developed an interest in cross-platform mobile development and cybersecurity.
I'm excited to use my skills and experience to help you create a website that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

A summary education background

B.Sc (Hons) in Computing

ZTM Academy | 2017 - 2018
  • Learned how to build a full stack web application
  • Mastered React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, Next.js, Redux, and more
  • Built a full stack web application from scratch
  • Learned about SEO and Google Analytics

BSC in Metallurgical Engineering

University of Benin | 2019-2025
  • Studied the principles of extracting and processing metals
  • Gained knowledge in materials science and engineering
  • Conducted research on the properties and applications of metals
  • Participated in practical lab sessions and industrial training
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Dart
  • Python
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Flutter
  • KALI Linux
  • Node js
  • Tailwind
  • Docker
  • Metasploit
  • Firebase
  • GraphQL
  • Bloc
  • Wireshark
Full Stack Developer @Trigan

2022 - 04/2023

Worked and supervise the team responsible for designing and implementing the front end of the application.

Worked with the team to design and implement the back end of the application.

create user interfaces, design animations, and implement interactions that would work on desktop and mobile browsers. using mainly Next.js Typescript and TailwindCSS.

Featured Projects

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code”? I got you.
Here are some of my projects you shouldn't misss
Our Kontinent web


I was responsible for building and deploying the website for Ourkontinent, an NGO aimed at unlocking Africa's potential and creating a lasting impact across the continent in a rapidly changing world.

Foxxy Beauty App

Foxxy Beauty

Foxxy Beauty is a beauty salon website. It is a single page application created with React, For a Uk client.

Haru Fashion App

Haru Fashion

An ecommerce web application where users can browse various products, add to wishlist, add to cart, and make purchase. Available in English and Burmese languages.

Haru API

Kings Clothing

King's Clothing is an ecommerce web application where users can browse various products, add to wishlist, add to cart, and make purchase.

Kings meal

Kings Meals

lead a team of young developer on a group project to create Kings Meal a website for a fictional fast food company company



Created a website for their business. form a Figma design. The website was created using React, TailwindCss, and Vercel with a fully functional contact form

Other projects can be explored in my github profile


I write blog posts about what I've done and what I'm doing and some of the topics I find interesting
  • How to Manage State in Flutter

    Flutter is an open-source cross-platform Framework think of React Native but better State pretty much refers to the current condition or data of an application at any given moment. Management is the act of managing something.

  • Flutter Cross-Platform Mobile Development Roadmap

    Hello Everyone, This article is inlined for those who are keen to start with flutter, A roadmap for beginners to learn gradually from all the necessary resources.

  • How To PWA your NextJS app like a Pro

    Working with Nextjs is amazing but making your NextJS app a PWA is even more sadly there's not a lot of resources on how to make your NextJS app a PWA. This article will guide you through the process of making your NextJS app a PWA.

  • The 9 Types of Programmer in 2024

    The 9 types of programmers you will meet in 2024. This article will guide you through the different types of programmers you will meet in 2024. beep boop


Lets build something Beautiful!

As a Developer, I'm currently looking for a new opportunity. I love building things and solving problems. I'm a fast learner and I'm always looking to improve my skills. If you have a project that you'd like to get started, don't hesitate to contact me.

Get in touch!